Thursday, July 4, 2013

Life Fitness Fundas: How to prevent Neck Pain ?????

Life Fitness Fundas: How to prevent Neck Pain ?????

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Physical Healing By Mind

      You all would be coming across with different kind of health problems. Some of you being in medical field regularly witnessing so many health conditions. And some of you are suffering with chronic or acute diseases. Let me ask you two chief question, before you read what I am going to say in next paragraph, think about it. First question is  What is exactly Disease? what's the route cause of any kind of disease?

     You will find so many typical definition of disease. In simple language disease means any kind of disturbance in your body's physiology. If you shuffle your understanding which may have came from reading your anatomy, physiology books or may be through listening from your PCP. What will be the answer to my next question? I am damn sure many of us will have only one answer, the route cause of disease is the BODY. Since there is disturbances in the physiology of body then its just common sense that something is wrong with body. And thats why we try to treat body first to cure ourself or cure our patients. If patient comes with high blood pressure, we only think how can we reduce his blood pressure, how can we keep patient's body in control where it suppose to be! If patient come with back pain, we only treat his body to alleviate back pain by giving him/ her various treatments.

   Did you ever thought out of box & try to go more deep inside the cause? Before writing this blog I have done many research about this topic, while I was reading some case studies I came across one real story. "One patient came to see cardiologist after he had recent cardiac arrest. He recently a year ago, lost his wife & he was in so much grief. He was aware about it but did not express to anyone. That grief led him to cardiac arrest. Cardiologist did not give him any treatment except just piece of advice & patient trusted him. He advised him to go to psychologist & learn the technique to come out of the grief or go to spiritual centre where he can learn to calm down his mind. You won't believe he did not have to take a single medication to prevent him self to be the candidate of chronic heart conditions". This is just the example, there wont be same type of issues to all of your patients but there will be ONE key point from where his/her body is generating hormones(like adrenaline, noradrenalin, cortisol etc)  which is causing the particular problem/disease. That is MIND. There is inevitable debate in health industries, who controls who? Body controls mind or Mind controls body. Its the same debate like egg came from chicken or chicken came from egg? Instead of going in the debate let's understand how this relationship can help us to get unbelievable results in our profession or even if you are not from medical field then also will help you to help yourself & your beloved ones. My understanding & researches proves that they are both inter connected. You can not leave one thing out. If you want tremendous, awesome results with your patients then you have to combine them both. We forgot to focus on mind & only concentrate on Body. Medications which is going in the body only giving symptomatic relief which we all know about. Its like you are pampering your body, getting the way to away from more suffering. But thats not going to help patients for long term. We need to understand that part. To make healthy society we need to teach our patients to focus on their mind too along with body. Do you know Americans live on caffein & prozac. Factually 4 most selling products in united states are sugar, caffein, alcohol & nicotine. Society & western culture is more focus on stimulating the mind than calming down. If we are positively stimulating that's the good news but thats not the case with us. Matter of fact Society is engulfing slow poison which is "STRESS".

   Being in health profession we have great responsibility on us. In school we are taught to learn read & write or even better understanding of body & its physiology. we also learned how to cure body through medications or different alternative approaches. but we never learned how to use our mind to control ourselves or body. God has given us big pharmacy with in us which is Mind. Nobody taught us how can we get cured by using that pharmacy.

  By writing this post I want you to drive focus on mind too while you are treating your patients. There are many different techniques you can use to get 100% results from the mind. You will amazed with the results you will get from the patients. In 21st century we must learn to focus on healing through mind & spread around you which will ultimately help us to make "Healthy Community". In the next post I will explain the techniques by which you can get therapeutic effects from your own Mind.

Join my Page on Facebook  "THINK HEALTHY STAY HEALTHY";

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

4 Basic Fundas To Keep Your Life Fit.

                         Currently Health industry is booming. There are so many different equipments/ products are available in market to make self stronger & Healthy. There are also so many shakes/ nutrients concentrated products in the market. Now a days even in 5 mile distance you will get many more Gym or Rehab Centers. Basic question is, though awareness has increased recently then why humans are not healthier than before. Actually statistics proved that though life expectancy is increased recently due to advance medical technologies, but overall health is deteriorated in this Mac world. Morbidity rate is increased.

                      Now you must have got an idea what I am trying to focus here. Its not technologies brings the healthy life. There is one famous saying" How much you live does not matter but How you live that matters." Here I am going to enlighten 4 basic tips to keep yourself healthy.

1) Approach towards Life

                    Though you have a advanced well equipped gym in your house, if you dont have consistent positive effort towards the life then you will not be healthy.At some point in the life it does not matter how much weight your body can lift in workout, but it matters how much stress you can carry optimistically in your mind. If you are healthy mentally then physical health will follow you. Keep yourself open to life & and its new surprises. Surprises could be bad or good. But always remember this time will also go away. It applies to good & bad situations. Keep yourself mentally balanced which will bring patience, consistency& sportsman spirit in your life. Don't get disappoint if you weigh too much today, Dont get frustrated if you have any physical problems today. No body is perfect. No one's life is perfect. So first love yourself & love your life. I am personally trying to use this phenomena on my self. Its hard but don't leave your effort. Once you will learn how to keep your mind healthy then automatically you will love to exercises, follow correct diet and will be able to face any kind of physical problems. Always remember " Think Healthy stay Healthy". Like my page on facebook to get daily motivation for yourself.

2) Healthy Diet

                    Diet is most important part of our life. Here I want to focus on not only physical healthy diet but also  spiritually healthy diet. what we eat thats how we become. Thats why some of the religions follows food concept. In Buddhism  swami Narayan , Jain, Brahmakumari & many other Hinduism and apparently in some christian religions recommend to avoid  to eat Garlic, Onion & Animal fleshes. In some ways, even currently science also agrees with it. Many of us will argue why to avoid animal fleshes, it has a lot of protein, how can we stay healthy if we dont eat proper protein. But friends let me tell you there are many vegetarian products which has much more protein than animal fleshes. The gold standard measures protein quality by Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score( PDCAAS) by this sore it is proven that Soy Protein is the nitritionally equivalent of meat, eggs & which directly assists humans for proper growth. And now Majority from us will argue why to avoid to eat garlic. It actually helps to cure Heart Conditions. But we dont know other side of coin. Science also has proved that Garlic thins the blood which ultimately in a long run inhibits the mental stability on a deep subtle level because the blood flows faster leading to flickering the mind. Tsang-Tsze said that these pungent vegetables contain 5 different enzymes which cause" extra foul odour from perspiration & bowel movements , reactions of repulsive breath and ultimately lead to indulgences, enhance agitations , anxieties& aggressiveness."

If you want to develop your personality not only spiritually but also want to achieve healthiest life style then focus on above mentioned diet. Also avoid to eat excessive sweet, spicy, & sour food. Make sure to have one apple & banana everyday. Remember "One Apple a day keep doctor away".Always monitor what you eat, keep a chart with you. Now a days in this mac world everyone has smart phone. There are so many different applications you can download to keep handy diary for your diet. One of them is " my fitness pal".Note down your diet everyday that way you are always conscious about the calories. We all follows one wrong myth aboutdiet is " IF WANT TO BE HEALTHY OR REDUCE WEIGHT THEN REDUCE EATING." please dont follow this myth. There is no such dieting recommendations from any doctor or nutrients specialist. If you dont take sufficient calories then eventually you will end up with the digestive problems & many more other physical problems.

3) Regular Exercises

                   Devote some time for walking/ jogging or any kind of sports activities. Burn some calories by physical work. Everyday Stretch your each muscles , move your each joints. Do yoga or pranayam. You dont have to spend 2 hours in a gym to be healthy, you need to only work out  ideally for 30-40 minutes 3 times a week. Keep positive attitude while doing exercises. Dont get disappoint if you see slimmer girls & Macho men in the gym. Instead inspire yourself & set a goal to be like them one day. Try to follow regular schedule if possible. Keep the circle who believes in being healthy. Sometimes if you dont have good people or friends around you then your enthusiasm will not stay consistently. So that also matters where you live & which kind of friends you have in surroundings.

4) Reading Good Books

                   Always read something motovational for at least 30 minutes everyday. Words have unbelievable power. Word power can spoil your mood and it can also lift you up. Make sure to make notes in your daily diary while you read books. Because you will not have even hint what you read after an hour. Many of your questions will be answered from good books or blogs. Apply the new knowledge you gained from outside world in your life. It also matters which kind of books or blogs or magazines you read. 30 minutes reading will change your life & will help you to change attitude towards life.

                      If you follow these 4 tips regularly & honestely then you are not far from your healthy life. Only Exercises or Diet or Medications is not going to make your life style Healthy. You also have to learn how to be healthy mentally along with physically. Both are interconnected to each other.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Shoulder Rotator Cuff Injury and Rehabilitation.

    Here I will be writing more details about latest protocols for different conditions. Each physical therapist follows the protocols as per they learn from their own experiences. But research studies have established some specific protocols for specific conditions so if one can follow that correctly, will achieve expected result without any fail and extra damage to patient especially traumatic conditions.I have combined the information in such a way that not only physical therapist but everyone can get benefit from my blog. This information will help you take precautions or follow Home exercises. If you  have constant pain while performing these exercises then consult the doctor or physical therapist for further examination.

   Today I am going write about Rotator cuff injury. Shoulder joint is very much unstable joint in our body. Many young athelets are facing multiple problems with their shoulder. One of the most common problem is Rotator cuff injury. It can be misdiagnosed with the impingement syndrom or Periarthritis. And misdiagnosis directly can impact on your treatment & outcome. So Its mandatory to diagnose the problem correctly.

  First you need to understand which muscles are involved in rotator cuff damage. There are 4 muscles  supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor. Any damage to any of the 4 muscles or ligaments which are attached to the shoulder joint called as Rotator cuff injury. Depending on the extent of injury it is divided in four types.

   While providing the treatment to patient always make sure you follow stretching vs strengthening protocol. Both are important equally but both has specific advantages. For the skilled therapy therapist must start stretching exercises at initial stage to prevent ROM restrictions. When RTC injury starts healing process after surgery or even with out surgery, joint is surrounded by inflammatory tissue type cells. The inflammatory tissue cells types contains excess fluid, collegen fibres etc. So in healing process there are chances to develop fibrosis so it is very much essential to start with stretching exercises at very early stage. Mostly therapist concentrate on strengthening exercises after RTC injury and dont focus on stretching exercises. Always take precautions while performing stretching exercises. Dont forget patient has recently damaged his/her RTC muscles/ ligaments. Avoid more than 70 degree flexion and abduction in initial 4 weeks after post op.

  Strengthening exercises should be performed systematically. Each group should be trained individually. Normally therapist strengthens muscles all together  but remember this kind of technique does not give expected results comparing with the exercises are performed individually. For example;
 1) Strengthening exercises Internal Rotators;

       Mostly we only concentrate on shoulder flexors and extensors when it comes to strengthening. We forget to strengthen IR/ ER. Dont forget that your Rotator cuff's action is responsible for not only shoulder stability but also for IR and ER. Subscapularis is responsible for IR. First start with strengthening exercises in supine lying position, then in sitting and later in standing.

2) External Rotator Strengthening; Now concentrate on Teres Minor & Infraspinatus. When you strengthen both IR & ER individually, you reduce the risk of impingement in your shoulder. Shoulder's stability increases. I have posted videos which clearly reflects exercises. If you have constant pain while performing these exercises then consult your Doctor or Physical Therapist for cautious training.

Stretching exercises Of  Rotator Cuff Muscles;
Never forget to do regular stretching exercises of shoulder rotator cuff muscles. Stretching exercises helps to gain end range motion, improve elasticity of muscles and ultimately helps to relieve pain. Always follow stretching exercises before strengthening exercises to avoid risk of injury.I have posted the video about  self stretching exercises specifically to IR/ ER. If you are physical therapist, make sure you teach your patients these exercises as a part of Home Exercises.

If you want to know more in detail then leave a comment here, I will try to assist you.

copyright; Here the videos are posted from youtube so it belongs to the owner who posted it originally on youtube. If any video or images belongs to you and want to remove from the blog then email me on 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Music Therapy On Disables

               I think there will be not a single individual that don’t enjoy music in this existing world. Music has tremendous spiritual power by which not only healthy person get benefits but also disable person also can get back to his/ her normal state & can get significant functional improvement. Many researchers have proved that music is the best therapy to be used in Stroke patients, Developmental Delayed Children, Parkinson’s Disease, Autism, Tinnitus, Alzermeir’s disease, Depression, Mood Swings, Anxiety, Spinal Cord Injuries, Head Traumatic conditions. Advance Music technology has made it possible not only to improve functional abilities in disable but help to relieve pain in palliative conditions (Like in Cancer therapy, AIDS,etc).

v <!--[endif]-->Music Helps Speech Recovery;

Stroke patients are not able to speak if their speech area is affected in the brain. There is different kind of aphasia depending on which area is affected in the brain. Research has proved that if one cannot speak, does not mean one cannot sing. These two functions are different neurological functions. Many stroke patients are able to sing lyrics of the song but not able to say simple “ Hi or Hello”. Clinical studies conducted by Tomanio(PhD in Music Therapy – currently runs music school for disables in new york )  & one neurologist in the Columbia University, USA , have proved that singing any words like “ what you are doing “ instead of speaking affects speaking recovery. Its easier for them to say phrase in music context which can be initially used as a communication tool too.

v Music Improves Motor Function in stroke or any neurological patients ;

According to American Music Therapy Association not only  speech recovery is possible by music but also improvement in motor skills is also possible.
Few studies have focused on music-movement therapy's effects on physical and psychological functioning of stroke patients. Study Design;  A quasi-experimental design with pre- and post-tests was used. Methods.  A convenience sample was used: patients hospitalized for stroke and within two weeks of the onset of stroke were randomized to either an experimental group (received music-movement therapy in their wheelchairs for 60 minutes three times per week for 8 weeks) or control group (received only routine treatment). The effect of music-movement therapy was assessed in terms of physical outcomes (range of motion, muscle strength and activities of daily living) and psychological outcomes (mood states, depression), measured in both groups pre- and post-test. Results.  The experimental group had significantly increased shoulder flexion and elbow joint flexion in physical function and improved mood state in psychological function, compared with the control group. Conclusions.  Early rehabilitation of hospitalized stroke patients within two weeks of the onset of stroke was effective by using music-movement therapy. It improved their mood state and increased shoulder flexion and elbow joint flexion. Relevance to clinical practice. The findings of this study suggest that rehabilitation for stroke patients should begin as early as possible, even during their hospitalization.
            By Music fine motor movements also can be improved. For some disable patients MIDS (Musical Interface Digital Instrument) Software is use to play instruments which ultimately helps them to improve fine motor skills. With some adaptive equipment in special music school they are taught to hold the instrument by them selves. By playing Drum or Congo shoulder / elbow ROM is also improved along with fine movements.

v Instruments played by Computerized advance Technology;

This is very new technology which is currently been use in the USA in special music schools for disable. This is used in patients who are not able to move at all physically especially in C2 spinal cord injuries, Advance stage of Multiple sclerosis, Quadriplegic etc..

Digital video camera is connected with the computer software where it can detect patient’s head movement. One digital band is tied at patient’s head. A cursor placed on some part of the screen image of the head tracks even subtle head movements electronically that translate into musical notes heard through the computer’s speakers. The program can be played in two modes. In piano mode, a movement from side to side plays a piano scale; in percussion mode the same movement creates a drum roll. By this program patient can also compose music.

v Relieve pain in palliative diseases;

Palliative disease are end stage disease which cannot be cured completely. Mainly this kind of patients is in pain & depression. Their life is so much disturbed because of chronic disease. Music therapy can reduce their suffering significantly. Research has proved also that it can improve life expectancy by giving them hope for life. Music can give them spiritual peace & improves mental willing power.

Spirituality, psychotherapy and music in palliative cancer care: research projects in psycho-oncology at an oncology center in Switzerland. Renz MSchütt Mao MCerny T.
Acta Med Croatica. 2011 Dec;65(5):415-23.
[Use of music in palliative care].[Article in Croatian] Skrbina DSimunović DSantek VNjegovan-Zvonarević T.
Int J Clin Exp Med. 2012;5(4):273-88. Epub 2012 Aug 22.
Long-term effects of the "Heidelberg Model of Music Therapy" in patients with chronic tinnitus.

Music Therapy Modulates Fronto-Temporal Activity in Rest-EEG in Depressed Clients.

Fachner J, Gold C, Erkkilä J.Source;;Department of Music, Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research, University of Jyväskylä, P.O. Box 35, 40014, Jyväskylä, Finland,


The effect of music-movement therapy on physical and psychological states of stroke patients.Jun EM, Roh YH, Kim MJ.Source  ;Authors: Eun-Mi Jun, PhD, RN, Associate Professor, Department of Nursing Science, Dong-eui University, Busan; Young Hwa Roh, BSN, RN, Nurse, Department of Nursing, Medwill Rehabilitation Hospital, Busan, Korea; Mi Ja Kim, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor, Department of Biobehavioral Health Science, UIC College of Nursing, Chicago, IL, USA.

What You Need In Vegetarian Diet To Gain Muscle Strength & Bulk

        Diet is very essential along with the proper workout to build up muscles. In this MacCentury Youngsters are very much aware about their Diet, However still we believe in Myths Like To build up muscles one has to follow Non Vegetarian Diet. Today I am going to draw your attention towards Vegetarian Diet that one can utilize properly combined with workouts. Many of us want to follow proper diet but are not aware about proper timing of the diet and why it’s necessary to follow certain diet if your goal is to gain muscle bulk & strength.

        You need to watch not only pre & post workout diet but also your entire day diet. Remember some Rule of thumb for diet;

<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.     <!--[endif]-->Eat 6 meals A day. Now forget the tradition of 3 meals a day. Now it’s no more in the market. Research shows 6 meals a day with proper amount is way better than 3 meals/ 2 meals / 1 meal a day. Don’t try to eat what time permits to you or what fits in your stomach but eat what is required to you.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.     <!--[endif]-->Each 6 meals should aim to get 40-60 grams of protein and 40-80 grams of   carbohydrates, depending on your weight; Dietary fat should be as low as possible, except for healthy fats (from nuts, olive oil, ), which can amount to 5-10 grams per meal.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->3.     <!--[endif]-->On training days, you get to eat more carbs  (almost 2.5 grams per pound of bodyweight) however Protein intake stays the same on both days (almost 2 grams per pound of bodyweight), but carb reduces on non-workout day. so in short ; On workout days you need about 18-20 calories per pound of bodyweight, but on rest days you require only about 12-14 calories per pound

          Following Diet is very essential for you to take in the Meal.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->A)   <!--[endif]-->Carbohydrate; Most important diet for you is Carbohydrate. Yeah Protein is also very mandatory diet but not like carbs which most of us forget. Don’t forget you have the strength to exercises because of carbs in the body. More carbs you have, for longer time you can do exercises and also it helps to regain back your strength fast, which make you ready for tomorrow’s workout. But remember to take only complex carbs that helps to increase certain hormones, like insulin. Simple Carbs are not good for body, which regains more fat (simple carbs are found in Cold Drinks, Sugar). Most of the carbs are consumed in the morning.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->B)   <!--[endif]-->Protein; Protein shakes are very good for health. Protein is made up of different amino acids that are useful for muscles. Insulin helps to increase absorption in the muscle fibers. Proteins are very essential to take in pre, during & post work out so your body has enough amino acids.
In this high tech century you can get a lot of different kind of protein supplement shakes. You can also eat natural protein diets too. Understand one secret which is proven by research, If you take protein/ carb combination shake immediately after workout, protein synthesis increases up to 300% but if you take just 2-3 hours after workout then it only occurs by 12%. Obviously you don’t want to go that way ;( .

<!--[if !supportLists]-->C)   <!--[endif]-->BCAAs – Branched Chain Amino Acids
This is also one of the most important to build up muscle bulk & strength. BCAAs are the best source of quick energy. Because they get metabolized directly in muscle tissue but not in liver so gives fast energy. Research has also shown that BCAAs helps to increase hormones like testosterones so one can sustain exercises for longer time with same energy and also lift more weights. So you must add BCAAs in your shake especially pre, during & post workout shake. Acclaimed dosage for BCAAs is 2-5 grams in your each workout shakes.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->D)   <!--[endif]-->Glutamine; Again important but most ignored supplement to add in your diet. Mostly our body produces Glutamine by itself from amino acids but in stress our body is not able to produce it. So we need to add external glutamine supplement in the body especially during exercises & post work out shake (protein/ carb shake) . Many researchers have proved that Glutamine increases production of insulin & Growth Hormone. And also during exercises prevents muscle catabolism along with restocks the glycogen amount.

<!--[if !supportLists]-->E)    <!--[endif]-->Creatinine Monophosphates; is needed to provide immediate energy in our body. So you should add CM to your pre workout shake. Mainly By more creatinine in your body, you can lift higher weights, which will ultimately help you gain muscle bulk & strength faster than expected.

                  Now here is some of most popular Vegetarian Diet along with amount of supplements. Combine them in your each diet equally as we discussed before according to the amount your body need.

A) 1 oz. cashews – 4.4 grams of protein
B) 1 oz. sesame seeds – 6.5 grams
C) 2 oz. walnuts – 5 grams
D) 1 oz. pistachios – 5.8 grams
E) 2 table spoon almonds – 4 grams
F) Milk By Products – Like Yogurt (Low fat ) – has 25 grams protein in one large scoop
G) Roasted Tofu – 30 grams in one cup
H) Fresh Broccoli (1 cup) has 5 grams of protein, Same for 1 cup of cooked sweet potato

I) 1 cup of lentils, refried beans, has 18, 15.5 grams of protein respectively. 
j) Soybean 68 grams per cup, pumpkin and squash seeds provide 33 grams of protein per 100g serving, Watermelon seeds provide slightly less at 28 grams of protein per 100 gram serving, Peanuts provide the most protein with 23.7 grams per 100 gram serving

1.     Haff, G.G.,Llehmkuhl, M.J.., McCoy, L.B., Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2003, 187-196 p.
2.    Haff, G.G., Koch, A.J., Potteiger, J.A.,International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, 2000, 326-339 p.
3.     Harris, R.S., Munson, P.L., Dicsfalusy, E.,Vitamins and Hormones: Advances in Research and Applications, Volume 28, 1970, 66-67p.
4     Levenhagen, D.K., Carr, C., Carlson, M.G., et al.,Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2002, 828-837p.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->  5.      Greenwood, M., Kalman, D., Antonio,J., Nutritional Supplements in Sports and Exercise, 2008, 395-397p.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->    6.    Di Pasquale, M.G., Amino Acids and Proteins for the Athlete: The Anabolic Edge, 2008, 173-175p.
<!--[if !supportLists]-->  7. <!--[endif]-->  Mine,Y., Miyashita, K., Shahidi, F., Nutrigenomics and Proteomics in Health and Disease: Food Factors and Gene Interactions, 2009, 116-118p.


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Great Information For Foreign Therapist Who Want to be in the USA for Work .........


Are you a Physical Therapy graduate from a foreign university and want to be the licensure  of physical therapist USA? I am writing this post to Provide you year information about this topic. I am a physical therapist who graduated from the university too outside United States. And Currently, I am a registered PT of USA.

If you are unaware of the procedure of getting a PT license in one of the U.S. states, I hope this post Will Give Some basic idea about that. First of all, all 50 states in the U.S. have different  requirements The  about getting a license and  registration  with the physical therapy board of the state. All states Require you to pass the National Physical Therapist Examination ( NPTE ) in order to get the license. Now, here comes the twist. You just can not give this exam and become eligible to work as a PT in any state Even though you are a registered physical therapist in your native country. For That, you first have to have equivalent educational credentials set by each state. Once you meet all the required credentials of the states, you CAN be eligible to Appear for year  NPTE . So first thing That You Might want to do is to decide the States Where You want to practice as a physical therapist. Then you have to get your academic credentials evaluated by  FCCPT . They Will let you know how many credits you are missing and required to take the before appearing for  NPTE . Once you do that, You Can Start Taking Thos credits by  CLEP (College Level Examination Program) to fulfill That  Requirements . Also Now a days you have to take courses at local community colleges Some. Once finished, you CAN give NPTE  and CAN get a license once you clear the exam. 

           Before It was very easy to get license for Michigan & New York Rules have Changed But now a lot, It Became more strictly to reduce the flow of Foreign Therapist, However UNLESS & Roads has never tough until you think They are. So If you Seriously want to come to USA THEN Give 100% until you become Register Physical Therapist in USA. Still NEWYORK member Gives Further Eligibility to give exam But When You Want to have H1B (Job Visa) Then again They Require to have 60 credits to get certificates for H1B Visa Screening Process. Its very easy for me to write here But This process CAN take a lot time. You have to plan properly before you start to save time procedure Otherwise no doubt you Will be easily Wasting your precious years & Money (A Lot Of Money).               So I Would advice, first sit down at your favorite quitely love, think & talk to your self. Its about your life. Do you want to go to USA or Want to explore your own self in the foreign country, want to enjoy your loved ones company along with your carrier???? . Its up to you. It is Fact That Journey is tough this way. Its not as much easy as you think When you are only thinking about to come to USA. Expect the Hurdles But Also So believe in your self, God & success.While reading this post, IF you feel adrenaline rush into your body ready to welcome new & Seriously struggle of the life THEN I will advice what is the best option to come here . I will be writing more on post Which kind of courses you take for your CAN Further studies to come to USA & On Which kind of Visa You Can come here.

                  This is just a brief information about how to get it started. I will post more and more information about various topics along with one I Explained Earlier. Please post your comments for any suggestion or questions. Would I be happy to answer Them.

Good Luck!


Note: some important links! - The Federation of State Boards of Physical Therapy - Foreign  Credentialing  Commission  on Physical Therapy

Check Your Office Chair, Is It Correct For you????

Many of us site in the Office with out Observing for Our Chair, The which is too large or short for you.And ultimately you invite Back pain to your life. So check today ITself is your chair satisfying Following required ergonomics?
  • Both of your feet touch the ground comfortably SHOULD. Dangling feet has of huge liability, ace support through your feet HELPS to stabilize your lower back
  • The backs of your knees SHOULD not touch the seat of the chair while you has comfortably sitting. You SHOULD have a minimum of 1-2 inches of space between the back of your  knees  and WHERE the seat of the chair starts
  • The back of your chair SHOULD support you up to the level of your shoulder blades. This means That You Should Be Able to site "all the way back" into your chair as you work. If scooting back into your chair Causes your  feet  to elevator off the ground, or if it Causes the backs of your knees to cram against the chair, You Need of Larger chair
  • The arm rests of your chair Should Be Able to move up and down to accommodate WHERE your elbows has as you type. Many chairs That is too large have arm rests That do not lower enough to comfortably support the elbows. You SHOULD not feel ace If You have to "shrug" your shoulders in order to rest your arms comfortably.

Most of the branded chair Manufactures company make 3 types of chairs A, B & C type. check Where You fit it correctly THEN buy it.
Your Body Will appreciate your concern with Necessary changes. So make the change Today the before it ends up in problem.

How to prevent Neck Pain ?????

 We spend a third of life in sleeping.Its lot time Which CAN bring problems to your life if you have bad sleeping habit. Everybody sleeps in different positions depends on Their habit. You will not be aware That your sleeping style has an impact on how much your joints, muscles & Nerves.If you do not know how you sleep, observe your sleeping style or ask your sleeping partner to observe you while you are sleeping & at Least Avoid sleeping in Below mentioned positions.

1)     Sleeping on your stomach;

          Many of us sleep on stomach, Which is absolutely not at all good position to sleep for longer time. While sleeping on stomach, to breath one has to rotate neck side ways. This rotation Gives extra pressure on your neck, Which later on leads to arthritis to Cervical Spine bad. Adverse effect does not Happen Overnight. So you will not realize until you start waking up with neck pain. Also it excessively twist neck muscles, & Because of consistent same positioning it may leads to acute spasm too. Again you will not realize this until you get up with tender neck region. 

         Will you argue that I now sleep straight but I do not know how ended up with this position at night. First I Would advice you as a Physical Therapist, try to break your habitat. Its not impossible to observe self intermittently. Until you sleep in the correct position, you CAN use your torso Below extra pillows or neck region that allows less so on cervical spine rotation Less Wear & Tear damage.

2)     Sleeping on the side with one hand behind pillow in overhead positions;

  This is the most favorite position of Majority. And bad news is this is the worst position Which brings a lot of problems to your neck & Shoulder. When you compress overhead Below pillow, Which CAN badly compress the shoulder in sideways, Increases wear tear to your shoulder. In fact Also compresses your nerves numbness & tingling Which leads to.Do not get surprise if one day you have ended up with severe numbness / tingling in your hand along with tight neck muscles. Even Will not Be Able to see side Because of your neck muscles tightness.
           Please break your bad habit from today. Will it be hard initially slowly But You Will be usual with good habit. Adept the most amazing change is the capacity of the Human Mind.

         Your Thoughts are welcome again in the comment box. Please share your thoughts about this topic. Any problem you are facing with above topic?? Or any other bad habit of sleeping style?? .....

Core Muscles Training

        What is Core Muscles ? Does the name is new to you ? These are the favorite muscles of you guys . These muscles give you 6 pack look. As you get more elder , you wont be getting fat every where in your body except abdomen . Matter of fact ,99% percent of my friends complaints of having more fat deposition on their tummy and which drive them to do exercises to lose weight. And Do you know which is the most Famous Pain in this universe?  Thats the Back Pain. The solution of these two complains are Core Muscles strengthening . You can see all core muscles in the picture . These are the one who are responsible to carry weight of us . If your core muscles are not strong then your life becomes more miserable. You must concentrate on Core muscles if you want to strengthen your Upper / Lower extremities . Stronger Core Muscles also help to prevent any kind of serious damages to your muscles / Ligaments while doing exercises.

  Core muscle exercises are not only sit ups or Bench press exercises . There are a lot of exercises , you can combine while doing core muscles strengthening . I have mentioned some very famous exercises which will help you to start with Core muscles strengthening .

   Now question comes How can you say one has strong core muscles or weak core muscles ? There is one famous test which I use with my patients or clients .

  Take position of the plank on the mat ( which you can see below) , Now Hold your self in this position consistently , after some time you will start feeling the burning in your core muscles . If you are able to hold this position for 3-4 minutes then you have very strong core muscles but if you are able to hold less than 2 minutes then your core muscles are not strong enough.


The Plank 

  •  Keep your both elbows  parallel at 90 degree .
  • Touch the floor only by your toes , make sure to keep heel up.
  • keep back straight , the same way showed in above image.
  • Try to hold position consistent, start with 1 minute , slowly increase time as you start tolerating.
Core strength supine bridge

Supine Bridge

Lying on your back, raise your hips so that only your head, shoulders, and feet are touching the floor. The supine bridge focuses on the gluteal muscles. Stronger gluteals help maintain pelvic control.

Core strength pelvic thrust


Pelvic Thrusts

Lie on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees at the hip. Slowly lift your hips off the floor and towards the ceiling. Lower your hips to the floor and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Core strength russian twist


Russian Twists

1. Start by sitting on the floor with hips and knees flexed to approximately 90 degree angles.
2. Grasp a medicine ball or small dumbbell and swing it to the right and left as you keep the hips from rotating with the shoulders.
3. The arms are not perpendicular to the torso, but instead, kept low, near the thighs, as the medicine ball is swung to each side.

Core strength training good mornings


Good Mornings

1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart with knees slightly bent (at 20).
2) Start position: Grasp bar with overhand grip shoulder width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position.
3) Bending at the hips, lower bar to approximately knee height. Keep knees bent at 20 throughout movement.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep back straight - movement should occur at the hip. To facilitate this, shift glutes back as if ready to sit down. Knees should not move forward beyond the toes.

Core strength lunge crossover


Dumbell Lunges with Crossover

1) Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart. Grasp DB's and hold out in front of body.
2) Step forward 2-3 feet forming a 90 bend at the front hip and knee. DO NOT allow front knee to extend past the big toe - may cause injury. As you are lunging swing dumbbells across body towards the hip.
3) Pushing off front foot, return to start position with legs and dumbbells.
4) Remember to keep head and back upright in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain squared at all times.
5) Watch for proper knee alignment - do not let front knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Back knee should not come in contact with floor.


Dragon Flag Exercise

  • This is toughest exercise among core muscles exercises because its more of eccentric exercise
  • was invented by Bruce Lee . 
  • Make sure to start this exercise after you build up significant strength in your core muscles , otherwise can damage your muscles. 

V Sit Exercise

  • Contract your abdominal muscles to come to V shape as shown in picture 
  • Then hold the position for couple of seconds , slowly increase the time period.
  • Make sure to point your toes out .