Wednesday, November 14, 2012

4 Basic Fundas To Keep Your Life Fit.

                         Currently Health industry is booming. There are so many different equipments/ products are available in market to make self stronger & Healthy. There are also so many shakes/ nutrients concentrated products in the market. Now a days even in 5 mile distance you will get many more Gym or Rehab Centers. Basic question is, though awareness has increased recently then why humans are not healthier than before. Actually statistics proved that though life expectancy is increased recently due to advance medical technologies, but overall health is deteriorated in this Mac world. Morbidity rate is increased.

                      Now you must have got an idea what I am trying to focus here. Its not technologies brings the healthy life. There is one famous saying" How much you live does not matter but How you live that matters." Here I am going to enlighten 4 basic tips to keep yourself healthy.

1) Approach towards Life

                    Though you have a advanced well equipped gym in your house, if you dont have consistent positive effort towards the life then you will not be healthy.At some point in the life it does not matter how much weight your body can lift in workout, but it matters how much stress you can carry optimistically in your mind. If you are healthy mentally then physical health will follow you. Keep yourself open to life & and its new surprises. Surprises could be bad or good. But always remember this time will also go away. It applies to good & bad situations. Keep yourself mentally balanced which will bring patience, consistency& sportsman spirit in your life. Don't get disappoint if you weigh too much today, Dont get frustrated if you have any physical problems today. No body is perfect. No one's life is perfect. So first love yourself & love your life. I am personally trying to use this phenomena on my self. Its hard but don't leave your effort. Once you will learn how to keep your mind healthy then automatically you will love to exercises, follow correct diet and will be able to face any kind of physical problems. Always remember " Think Healthy stay Healthy". Like my page on facebook to get daily motivation for yourself.

2) Healthy Diet

                    Diet is most important part of our life. Here I want to focus on not only physical healthy diet but also  spiritually healthy diet. what we eat thats how we become. Thats why some of the religions follows food concept. In Buddhism  swami Narayan , Jain, Brahmakumari & many other Hinduism and apparently in some christian religions recommend to avoid  to eat Garlic, Onion & Animal fleshes. In some ways, even currently science also agrees with it. Many of us will argue why to avoid animal fleshes, it has a lot of protein, how can we stay healthy if we dont eat proper protein. But friends let me tell you there are many vegetarian products which has much more protein than animal fleshes. The gold standard measures protein quality by Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score( PDCAAS) by this sore it is proven that Soy Protein is the nitritionally equivalent of meat, eggs & which directly assists humans for proper growth. And now Majority from us will argue why to avoid to eat garlic. It actually helps to cure Heart Conditions. But we dont know other side of coin. Science also has proved that Garlic thins the blood which ultimately in a long run inhibits the mental stability on a deep subtle level because the blood flows faster leading to flickering the mind. Tsang-Tsze said that these pungent vegetables contain 5 different enzymes which cause" extra foul odour from perspiration & bowel movements , reactions of repulsive breath and ultimately lead to indulgences, enhance agitations , anxieties& aggressiveness."

If you want to develop your personality not only spiritually but also want to achieve healthiest life style then focus on above mentioned diet. Also avoid to eat excessive sweet, spicy, & sour food. Make sure to have one apple & banana everyday. Remember "One Apple a day keep doctor away".Always monitor what you eat, keep a chart with you. Now a days in this mac world everyone has smart phone. There are so many different applications you can download to keep handy diary for your diet. One of them is " my fitness pal".Note down your diet everyday that way you are always conscious about the calories. We all follows one wrong myth aboutdiet is " IF WANT TO BE HEALTHY OR REDUCE WEIGHT THEN REDUCE EATING." please dont follow this myth. There is no such dieting recommendations from any doctor or nutrients specialist. If you dont take sufficient calories then eventually you will end up with the digestive problems & many more other physical problems.

3) Regular Exercises

                   Devote some time for walking/ jogging or any kind of sports activities. Burn some calories by physical work. Everyday Stretch your each muscles , move your each joints. Do yoga or pranayam. You dont have to spend 2 hours in a gym to be healthy, you need to only work out  ideally for 30-40 minutes 3 times a week. Keep positive attitude while doing exercises. Dont get disappoint if you see slimmer girls & Macho men in the gym. Instead inspire yourself & set a goal to be like them one day. Try to follow regular schedule if possible. Keep the circle who believes in being healthy. Sometimes if you dont have good people or friends around you then your enthusiasm will not stay consistently. So that also matters where you live & which kind of friends you have in surroundings.

4) Reading Good Books

                   Always read something motovational for at least 30 minutes everyday. Words have unbelievable power. Word power can spoil your mood and it can also lift you up. Make sure to make notes in your daily diary while you read books. Because you will not have even hint what you read after an hour. Many of your questions will be answered from good books or blogs. Apply the new knowledge you gained from outside world in your life. It also matters which kind of books or blogs or magazines you read. 30 minutes reading will change your life & will help you to change attitude towards life.

                      If you follow these 4 tips regularly & honestely then you are not far from your healthy life. Only Exercises or Diet or Medications is not going to make your life style Healthy. You also have to learn how to be healthy mentally along with physically. Both are interconnected to each other.


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