Monday, October 1, 2012

Core Muscles Training

        What is Core Muscles ? Does the name is new to you ? These are the favorite muscles of you guys . These muscles give you 6 pack look. As you get more elder , you wont be getting fat every where in your body except abdomen . Matter of fact ,99% percent of my friends complaints of having more fat deposition on their tummy and which drive them to do exercises to lose weight. And Do you know which is the most Famous Pain in this universe?  Thats the Back Pain. The solution of these two complains are Core Muscles strengthening . You can see all core muscles in the picture . These are the one who are responsible to carry weight of us . If your core muscles are not strong then your life becomes more miserable. You must concentrate on Core muscles if you want to strengthen your Upper / Lower extremities . Stronger Core Muscles also help to prevent any kind of serious damages to your muscles / Ligaments while doing exercises.

  Core muscle exercises are not only sit ups or Bench press exercises . There are a lot of exercises , you can combine while doing core muscles strengthening . I have mentioned some very famous exercises which will help you to start with Core muscles strengthening .

   Now question comes How can you say one has strong core muscles or weak core muscles ? There is one famous test which I use with my patients or clients .

  Take position of the plank on the mat ( which you can see below) , Now Hold your self in this position consistently , after some time you will start feeling the burning in your core muscles . If you are able to hold this position for 3-4 minutes then you have very strong core muscles but if you are able to hold less than 2 minutes then your core muscles are not strong enough.


The Plank 

  •  Keep your both elbows  parallel at 90 degree .
  • Touch the floor only by your toes , make sure to keep heel up.
  • keep back straight , the same way showed in above image.
  • Try to hold position consistent, start with 1 minute , slowly increase time as you start tolerating.
Core strength supine bridge

Supine Bridge

Lying on your back, raise your hips so that only your head, shoulders, and feet are touching the floor. The supine bridge focuses on the gluteal muscles. Stronger gluteals help maintain pelvic control.

Core strength pelvic thrust


Pelvic Thrusts

Lie on your back with your legs bent 90 degrees at the hip. Slowly lift your hips off the floor and towards the ceiling. Lower your hips to the floor and repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.

Core strength russian twist


Russian Twists

1. Start by sitting on the floor with hips and knees flexed to approximately 90 degree angles.
2. Grasp a medicine ball or small dumbbell and swing it to the right and left as you keep the hips from rotating with the shoulders.
3. The arms are not perpendicular to the torso, but instead, kept low, near the thighs, as the medicine ball is swung to each side.

Core strength training good mornings


Good Mornings

1) Stand with feet shoulder width apart with knees slightly bent (at 20).
2) Start position: Grasp bar with overhand grip shoulder width apart. Back should be straight in a neutral position.
3) Bending at the hips, lower bar to approximately knee height. Keep knees bent at 20 throughout movement.
4) Return to start position.
5) Remember to keep back straight - movement should occur at the hip. To facilitate this, shift glutes back as if ready to sit down. Knees should not move forward beyond the toes.

Core strength lunge crossover


Dumbell Lunges with Crossover

1) Start position: Stand with feet hip width apart. Grasp DB's and hold out in front of body.
2) Step forward 2-3 feet forming a 90 bend at the front hip and knee. DO NOT allow front knee to extend past the big toe - may cause injury. As you are lunging swing dumbbells across body towards the hip.
3) Pushing off front foot, return to start position with legs and dumbbells.
4) Remember to keep head and back upright in a neutral position. Shoulders and hips should remain squared at all times.
5) Watch for proper knee alignment - do not let front knee extend past big toe or deviate laterally or medially. Back knee should not come in contact with floor.


Dragon Flag Exercise

  • This is toughest exercise among core muscles exercises because its more of eccentric exercise
  • was invented by Bruce Lee . 
  • Make sure to start this exercise after you build up significant strength in your core muscles , otherwise can damage your muscles. 

V Sit Exercise

  • Contract your abdominal muscles to come to V shape as shown in picture 
  • Then hold the position for couple of seconds , slowly increase the time period.
  • Make sure to point your toes out .

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