Monday, October 1, 2012

How to prevent Neck Pain ?????

 We spend a third of life in sleeping.Its lot time Which CAN bring problems to your life if you have bad sleeping habit. Everybody sleeps in different positions depends on Their habit. You will not be aware That your sleeping style has an impact on how much your joints, muscles & Nerves.If you do not know how you sleep, observe your sleeping style or ask your sleeping partner to observe you while you are sleeping & at Least Avoid sleeping in Below mentioned positions.

1)     Sleeping on your stomach;

          Many of us sleep on stomach, Which is absolutely not at all good position to sleep for longer time. While sleeping on stomach, to breath one has to rotate neck side ways. This rotation Gives extra pressure on your neck, Which later on leads to arthritis to Cervical Spine bad. Adverse effect does not Happen Overnight. So you will not realize until you start waking up with neck pain. Also it excessively twist neck muscles, & Because of consistent same positioning it may leads to acute spasm too. Again you will not realize this until you get up with tender neck region. 

         Will you argue that I now sleep straight but I do not know how ended up with this position at night. First I Would advice you as a Physical Therapist, try to break your habitat. Its not impossible to observe self intermittently. Until you sleep in the correct position, you CAN use your torso Below extra pillows or neck region that allows less so on cervical spine rotation Less Wear & Tear damage.

2)     Sleeping on the side with one hand behind pillow in overhead positions;

  This is the most favorite position of Majority. And bad news is this is the worst position Which brings a lot of problems to your neck & Shoulder. When you compress overhead Below pillow, Which CAN badly compress the shoulder in sideways, Increases wear tear to your shoulder. In fact Also compresses your nerves numbness & tingling Which leads to.Do not get surprise if one day you have ended up with severe numbness / tingling in your hand along with tight neck muscles. Even Will not Be Able to see side Because of your neck muscles tightness.
           Please break your bad habit from today. Will it be hard initially slowly But You Will be usual with good habit. Adept the most amazing change is the capacity of the Human Mind.

         Your Thoughts are welcome again in the comment box. Please share your thoughts about this topic. Any problem you are facing with above topic?? Or any other bad habit of sleeping style?? .....

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