Monday, October 1, 2012

Check Your Office Chair, Is It Correct For you????

Many of us site in the Office with out Observing for Our Chair, The which is too large or short for you.And ultimately you invite Back pain to your life. So check today ITself is your chair satisfying Following required ergonomics?
  • Both of your feet touch the ground comfortably SHOULD. Dangling feet has of huge liability, ace support through your feet HELPS to stabilize your lower back
  • The backs of your knees SHOULD not touch the seat of the chair while you has comfortably sitting. You SHOULD have a minimum of 1-2 inches of space between the back of your  knees  and WHERE the seat of the chair starts
  • The back of your chair SHOULD support you up to the level of your shoulder blades. This means That You Should Be Able to site "all the way back" into your chair as you work. If scooting back into your chair Causes your  feet  to elevator off the ground, or if it Causes the backs of your knees to cram against the chair, You Need of Larger chair
  • The arm rests of your chair Should Be Able to move up and down to accommodate WHERE your elbows has as you type. Many chairs That is too large have arm rests That do not lower enough to comfortably support the elbows. You SHOULD not feel ace If You have to "shrug" your shoulders in order to rest your arms comfortably.

Most of the branded chair Manufactures company make 3 types of chairs A, B & C type. check Where You fit it correctly THEN buy it.
Your Body Will appreciate your concern with Necessary changes. So make the change Today the before it ends up in problem.

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