Thursday, July 4, 2013

Life Fitness Fundas: How to prevent Neck Pain ?????

Life Fitness Fundas: How to prevent Neck Pain ?????

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Physical Healing By Mind

      You all would be coming across with different kind of health problems. Some of you being in medical field regularly witnessing so many health conditions. And some of you are suffering with chronic or acute diseases. Let me ask you two chief question, before you read what I am going to say in next paragraph, think about it. First question is  What is exactly Disease? what's the route cause of any kind of disease?

     You will find so many typical definition of disease. In simple language disease means any kind of disturbance in your body's physiology. If you shuffle your understanding which may have came from reading your anatomy, physiology books or may be through listening from your PCP. What will be the answer to my next question? I am damn sure many of us will have only one answer, the route cause of disease is the BODY. Since there is disturbances in the physiology of body then its just common sense that something is wrong with body. And thats why we try to treat body first to cure ourself or cure our patients. If patient comes with high blood pressure, we only think how can we reduce his blood pressure, how can we keep patient's body in control where it suppose to be! If patient come with back pain, we only treat his body to alleviate back pain by giving him/ her various treatments.

   Did you ever thought out of box & try to go more deep inside the cause? Before writing this blog I have done many research about this topic, while I was reading some case studies I came across one real story. "One patient came to see cardiologist after he had recent cardiac arrest. He recently a year ago, lost his wife & he was in so much grief. He was aware about it but did not express to anyone. That grief led him to cardiac arrest. Cardiologist did not give him any treatment except just piece of advice & patient trusted him. He advised him to go to psychologist & learn the technique to come out of the grief or go to spiritual centre where he can learn to calm down his mind. You won't believe he did not have to take a single medication to prevent him self to be the candidate of chronic heart conditions". This is just the example, there wont be same type of issues to all of your patients but there will be ONE key point from where his/her body is generating hormones(like adrenaline, noradrenalin, cortisol etc)  which is causing the particular problem/disease. That is MIND. There is inevitable debate in health industries, who controls who? Body controls mind or Mind controls body. Its the same debate like egg came from chicken or chicken came from egg? Instead of going in the debate let's understand how this relationship can help us to get unbelievable results in our profession or even if you are not from medical field then also will help you to help yourself & your beloved ones. My understanding & researches proves that they are both inter connected. You can not leave one thing out. If you want tremendous, awesome results with your patients then you have to combine them both. We forgot to focus on mind & only concentrate on Body. Medications which is going in the body only giving symptomatic relief which we all know about. Its like you are pampering your body, getting the way to away from more suffering. But thats not going to help patients for long term. We need to understand that part. To make healthy society we need to teach our patients to focus on their mind too along with body. Do you know Americans live on caffein & prozac. Factually 4 most selling products in united states are sugar, caffein, alcohol & nicotine. Society & western culture is more focus on stimulating the mind than calming down. If we are positively stimulating that's the good news but thats not the case with us. Matter of fact Society is engulfing slow poison which is "STRESS".

   Being in health profession we have great responsibility on us. In school we are taught to learn read & write or even better understanding of body & its physiology. we also learned how to cure body through medications or different alternative approaches. but we never learned how to use our mind to control ourselves or body. God has given us big pharmacy with in us which is Mind. Nobody taught us how can we get cured by using that pharmacy.

  By writing this post I want you to drive focus on mind too while you are treating your patients. There are many different techniques you can use to get 100% results from the mind. You will amazed with the results you will get from the patients. In 21st century we must learn to focus on healing through mind & spread around you which will ultimately help us to make "Healthy Community". In the next post I will explain the techniques by which you can get therapeutic effects from your own Mind.

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